Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Today has not turned out at ALL like I planned.

This morning I tripped over Chelsea and my boots but seemed alright.

First, Dick had an appointment with Dr. Hodous to check and trim his callouses. The deepest one is shrinking some. That is really good news. We stopped at Mother's on the way home and I dropped off the Christmas gifts for my brothers and sisters and Mother. Then when we got home,I vacuumed downstairs in the den and sanitized the jug to rack the currant wine and put a casserole together and lots of other little things.

Everything was JUST fine. Then I sat down and shortly, my foot and ankle started hurting. It kept getting worse, but I figured I could walk it off when I got my hair cut at 2:30PM. It didn't work. By the time I got home, I couldn't put ANY weight on it at all. So. Dick drove me to Urgent care here in Plymouth. (He finally got to drive the car anyway. I have been suggesting that he should do that.) They took X rays and examined it and all. There is no break so I have my work cut out for me. For 48 hours I have to stay off of the foot and put ice on three times a day. I have crutches and after the 48 hours instructions on how to gradually get back to full use of the foot. We had an interesting time getting my blood pressure and I am not sure they ever did get a good one. Otherwise, I am really messed up. The first one was 240 over 100.

So I am home again. And really distressed. Poor Dick. He needs me to take care of him and now he is stuck with me. Well. We will have to take each day as it comes. He is going to do the shopping tomorrow.

So now you know the story of the great Christmas Ankle sprain.

Yesterday was fun. The bible study was lively and we will now disband until January 7. The Writer's Club party was indeed fun. We went to Antoinette's. We had lunch, exchanged presents and read to each other. It was a warm fuzzy. I like those.

Take care and pray for me.



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