Thursday, December 20, 2007

A rather eventful day considering that I am still stuck sitting with my foot up as much as possible.

Bobbie came over to take Dick to get his blood tested this morning. It just seemed that he needs a ride there as I usually drop him off at the door and then join him so he doesn't have to walk so far. She had a "free" day so was glad to come. Then they stopped at the store for a couple of things and lastly we had a nice visit. Chelsea was SOOOOOOO glad she came as she took Chelsea for a nice long walk. It will be a while before I can do that for her.

Bobbie said that she kind of needed a walk too and Chelsea is fun to walk in snowy weather. She rolls and eats snow and runs just like a young pup. It was doubly good for Chelsea because she has done a LOT of coughing since last night. No seizures but that poor body is just racked with those coughs. She is drinking an awful lot of water too. Not too encouraging.

After their walk, Bobbie and I had tea and cookies for a little treat. Chelsea was rather offended that we did not offer her any but as Bobbie pointed out, Chelsea had not offered to share any of HER treats either.

Only 5 more days until Christmas. I read the cutest story of a Christmas pageant. When the little guy Wise Man said his lines, he got a bit mixed up or perhaps he just said something that made sense to him. "We bring you gifts of Gold, Common Sense and Fur."

The rest of the day was spent resting and computering. Dick is taking good care of me. Tomorrow I can start putting a bit of weight on my toes of the right foot. Yea, before you know it all will be well again.

Hope you have a nice Friday. Mine will be quiet of course as I had to cancel my Blood Donation appointment which was going to involve a couple of other errands in Sheboygan. Now I am going to HAVE to do them after Christmas.

Oh Well. Life will go on even if I DO have to change my list around.



A Government study found the average American walks 900 miles a year. Another study found Americans drink, on average, 22 gallons of beer a year. That means, on average, Americans get 41 miles to the gallon. Kind of makes you proud to be an American!

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