Wednesday, November 07, 2007

This has been an impossibly long day. We set the alarm for 4:30AM because Dick had to register at Memorial at 6:30. So I got up, took a shower, walked Chelsea and we left. We got there on time and got him all registered. They got him all gowned and hooked up to the many things that need to be hooked up JUST in time for the team of nurses to come and take him down.

I then went to the cafeteria for breakfast. I came back up at about 9AM and settled into the lounge until they brought him back up. When I told his nurse Debbie that I was back she mentioned that there was blood in his urine. This was not a surprise as he had had that CAT yesterday to determine if there is a kidney stone causing the discomfort in his back.

When he got back up he said that Dr. Siddique said that everything went "amazingly well". This pleased Dick because in his groggy state during the procedure he had heard the doctor say "OH Shit" which was NOT reassuring. Dick mentioned that to Dr. Siddique and he laughed so it is OK.

During the morning the catheter tube seemed full of blood and not flowing so they flushed it out and got it flowing clearly again but called Dr. Sharon. We now know that there IS a kidney stone in his kidney which is probably stuck somewhere and causing problems. We now have an appointment to see Dr. Sharon next week Wednesday.

OK, proceeding on. He was much more comfortable this time because, as he promised, Dr. Siddique ordered that his bed be put on a slant and he also ordered morphine which kept him from being miserable.

I drove home at about 1:30PM when he was able to sit up to let little Chelsea out and make sure that she was OK.

At. 5:30PM or a bit after the nurses unhooked Dick from everything and stood him up to walk. Immediately he started bleeding, fortunately not from the incision. They had strained the urine so we know that there was no stone passed and assume that this is the problem. We are instructed to bring him to emergency if it gets flowing. These bloody issues seem to be clots probably caused by the stone. We HAVE to get an appointment to see a urologist tomorrow FOR SURE. Dr. Siddique said that we are to tell them we HAVE to see them tomorrow and that if we have trouble we need to call him to put the screws on.

It is really scary. I will be glad when this episode is all over. Please pray for us.

For some reason or other during the waiting times I got to thinking about our cat Small Fry that we had for a long time at the Old Red House that I grew up in. I remember when we got her, she was a little scrawny thing and we also had a big old Dalmatian named Rebel. We would let Rebel in the house at night one night he barreled downstairs and just "inhaled" that wee little kitten. My brothers panicked and chased Rebel around until he finally stopped and dropped her. She came out of his mouth mad and spitting. One of the funniest sights in the world is a wet cat and a spit wet mad kitten is really hilarious.

I need to get ready for bed. Think of us. Good thoughts and prayers are needed please.


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