Thursday, November 15, 2007

It was a strange day. We left at 7:30AM to take Dick to Sheboygan Clinic for a blood test. Then Sue decided that since he is still on the antibiotics and the count will be all screwed up anyway, that we rescheduled for 11/27 when he has been off of the meds for a while and we can truly see what damage has been done to the count.

So we decided to go to Hardee's for breakfast. Guess what, Hardee's on Taylor in Sheboygan is closed. Nobody told us so we stopped at the ParkView Restaurant in Sheboygan Falls on our way home instead.

Chelsea was very glad to see us. I spent the day, cleaning - the bathrooms, my desk etc and we racked the dandelion wine.

Tonight I called Bret. His friend Tony's son was in a motorcycle accident on Tuesday morning and is in critical condition. Please pray for him. They would all appreciate that.

Aside from that Bret himself is doing pretty good right now.

Chelsea is doing OK. She coughs a lot and is drinking so much water that she is in and out a lot but she looks good and still enjoys her walks in the morning. Right now she is sleeping and will start in again about 8:30PM. Thank heavens she still sleeps pretty much through the night.

We are also trying to get Christmas taken care of, at least the out of state people. I like to get their packages mailed that first week in December.

I remember how we used to look forward to getting the Christmas packages when the kids were little. One of the most fun presents that we looked forward to was from my Uncle George Deeley. He was a single gentleman and was my godfather. He always sent us a cheese box. It was one of those boxes with the many many different kinds of cheeses all wrapped up individually and bits of candy and stuff and the kids just LOVED it. With that and the fact that I learned to love all kinds of cheese from my Grandma Deeley and my Mother, they are also cheese lovers.

When Bart and I moved to Minnesota, I remember how grateful we were to a gal that I worked with. I had mentioned that after school and before dinner, my boys liked to have a snack of cheese and crackers to tide them over and when we stopped at her house after work one night on our way to look at a house, she spread out cheese and crackers. We were delighted.

Take care



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