Friday, August 24, 2007

Only one more week left in August. Where HAS the summer gone? Today I received a gate pass for one adult for the Sheboygan County Fair from the Blood Center. I was surprised and very pleased. Now if I can find someone to go with me, maybe I will go this year. I am sure Dick would go , IF he could walk decently. However, the fair by its nature is a walking thing and he can't do that. Maybe next year if the next couple weeks go well.

We usually have corn and tomatoes for supper on Fridays but had so much potato salad left that we decided to eat that instead with smoked sausage. Mighty good. We had eaten Jeff's corn early this week anyway. I will only be getting four ears from now on. I have more than enough frozen and we only eat two ears each.

I have been cutting denim squares for two days now in my spare time. I only need about 20 more. Then I need to cut the flannel that will back them. It will make a nice warm comforter when I am done. When talking to Barbara, I found out that she is working on a similar project. I will have plenty of denim left. I wonder if she or anyone else needs it.

I also grated a zucchini today and froze it in two cup sizes. This can go in soups and breads later. I thought I would try that since zucchini is either pouring in or not around at all.

I almost finished the Celtic Women vest today. Just a bit of finishing and hand work. At least I can have it to wear on Wednesday to the meeting that will organize the Sheboygan Branch. I wonder if Chelsea heard me say that she will need a bath before this meeting. She is quite a dirty girl.

The other day, I saw a bunch of high school kids running and remembered Bart. This is the time of year that kids start warming up for high school sports. Bart, when he started high school, was somewhat overweight and not into sports at all. He at some point, rather suddenly to us at least, decided that he was going to get in shape and joined the basketball team at high school. I picked him up after the first practice. He was gray. They had run back and forth on the court for almost the entire practice. We started home and he suddenly said that I should pull over, because he thought he was going to throw up. He didn't and we made it home where he showered and collapsed in bed.

Bless his heart. He went back. This was a beginning for him. He stayed on the team. He started running several miles a day and really got in shape. As a matter of fact, at one point, I was worried that he was too thin. This is my Bart. Once he makes up his mind to something, he is like a bull dog and does not take his eyes off his goal until it is achieved. The back injury and other problems have slowed him up on this but he is improving and I know his stubbornness will come back. I am so proud of him.



Have a great weekend.

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