Monday, August 20, 2007

An fun day for me. First there was Bible Study. We had a nice group. We had 10 of us there. We are now 13 strong if everybody can make it. Not bad.

There were interesting discussions this morning. The Gospel for Sunday is from Luke. He talks about the narrow gate and says that if you are too late, the gate will be closed and you will not get through. I have this picture conjured up of a line like is waiting to go on the Matterhorn in Disneyland and when the ride is full they close the gate. Hope it is not first come, first served. I really know that Jesus would not have promised us the kingdom if there was a chance of a door being slammed in our face. Right?

Then I went over to Mom's. She is all rested up from the wedding and was getting ready to go play canasta with her friends, so I waited until Evelyn Sippel came to pick her up so I could help her and her walker get into the car. Those ladies are pretty old and any help they get is a good thing. I gave her the Clifford Family Crest pin that I had picked up at Irish Fest. She is wearing it proudly.

This afternoon I went to the Cream City Writers Club. The Plymouth Club. We had a nice meeting too. Everybody had something to read and we shared a few tips on writing. Bev and Kate and I agreed to go to see Maya Angelou in April at the JMCAC. That will be special.

Tonight I made the Sour Milk Cheese. We had corn and chicken and salad for supper.

One of our writing buddies is a recovering alcoholic. He told us so it is not secret. Anyway the reason I mention it is because of a statement that a recovering alcoholic told a group of AlAnon people that I belonged to. He said. "You can pray til Hell freezes over. And you can pray on the ice. But unless you get up off your ass you will never get goosed by the Holy Ghost."

Another thing I remember, I heard at an AA meeting. A man was giving his testamony. He and his wife had been really seriously addicted. They kept trying to stop and going to meetings Then one day, he came home and found that his wife had changed. She told him that the desire to drink was gone. She had had a spiritual awakening. He looked into her eyes and she was different. She was serene and never drank again. Well, this gave him the courage to plug along day by day and stay sober but it was always a struggle. So one day he asked his sponsor when he was going to have his spiritual awakening. His sponsor said. "Are you sober?" He answered yes. "Are you happy?" He again answered yes and his sponsor said. "That's it. That's your awakening." Sobriety and happiness were enough and perhaps the struggle was part of the reward.

Hope you have a good week.

I intend to. tomorrow is dentist day for me.



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