Friday, April 13, 2007

We had a beautiful sunny day. The temperatures were in the forties, but for us warmth starved residents of Wisconsin, the forties with no wind makes almost a tropical paradise.

It turned out to be another "clinic/doctor"day. I picked Mother up at about 9:45AM and took her to Dr. Nytes to have her hearing aid checked. The right one was not working at all. As it turned out they both had to be cleaned. They were full of wax and blocking any signals. As Dr. Nytes said an easy fix and those are the best kind.

Mom and I had a nice visit and a LOT to share. I had called the hospital and found out that Barbara came through the surgery OK. I didn't talk to her as she was pretty sick. I told Bart that I would call tomorrow. He was pretty short with me. I am sure he is really worried about Barb.

Then Mother had some GREAT news. Becky and Brian had come over to see her at about 9PM last night. That was really rather late to come visiting but - guess what - they couldn't wait. They are expecting their first child. He or she is due in October and they have decided that they are not going to find out before what it is. So we will have a surprise in October. I am just delighted. Mom and I had been lamenting the fact that there were so few really little people around right now and suddenly, we have Morgan (last fall) , Jeff and Kathy's new granddaughter, (any day) and Becky and Brian's in October. That is better.

Mom also told me a bit of a story that you might enjoy. My sister in law Kathy's mother, Mrs. Harvey, is 92 years old. She had a male friend who is 102. Her friend still drives. He had to take his driving test this past week (required after a certain age I understand) and he PASSED. He is limited to driving during the day and cannot leave town, but what they hey. He can get himself and Mrs. Harvey wherever they want to go.

Yesterday, we noticed a swelling and redness on Dick's leg just about the knee area. So today as it was no better, we got in to see Dr. Sharon this afternoon and sure enough there is an infection in there. Dr. Sharon took a culture but put him on oral dicloxacillin to start an attack on the infection as he is certain that it is a type of staph. I think that Dick (an me for that matter) are more distressed this time as it took so little time for a return. Hopefully we caught is soon enough to avoid the weeks of a PICC again. I am sure that is in the back of Dick's mind too. Pray that we get it over with soon.

Patti Cedzo had called last week to see if I wanted to go to a fish boil at the Sheboygan Museum just down the street from her. We went together a couple of years ago. As Dick doesn't like fish boil this is a chance for me to enjoy one and to have a nice visit with Patti. We enjoyed our meal a lot and shared our recent dilemmas and triumphs. Lately more dilemmas than triumphs but this too shall pass. She bought one of my books too. I hope she enjoys it.

Tomorrow we go to the Fireside to see Fiddler on the Roof, one of my favorite live stage shows. I remember that the first time I saw it, I went to a dinner theatre in California with my Bret, he couldn't have been over 10, we both just loved it. I remember how fascinated he was with the bottle dance. As we were in a front row table and it was doubly impressive.

Have a good weekend yourself.



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