Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The early morning snow that was predicted did not appear. It started showing up at about 11:30AM, Just as Dick and I were arriving at the Clinic for his blood test. It was, at that time, a very STRANGE snow. It looked more like little bits of styrofoam spinning all over the place. At that time it was mixed with a bit of rain and not settling on the ground at all. It was windy too. We stopped at Culvers for lunch on the way home. A welcome bit of time out of the house that was not at a clinic or hospital.

Since then the storm has increased and we have, maybe, 2 to 4 inches. It is drifting a bit so it is really hard to tell. Chelsea loves it because it is not too cold and she is able to romp and roll in it. She even did the Pepe Le Pew dance earlier today. I always like that.

I went for my initial exam by my new dentist today. I have a lady dentist now, Sherry Joseph. She seems very nice and I go back next week for my cleaning.

A nice afternoon. Did some vacuuming, baking and sewing. I tried to take a nap, but today, dispite the fact that it was really quiet, I could not sleep.

Dick and I watched the Tudor's on HDTV tonight. We missed the first one so are having a BIT of a struggle figuring out who is who, relying on memory and hints that are thrown out during the script. It is very well done. I can't really believe that we missed a whole week of the first episode, but we did.

With all the snow, I am spending a lot of time mentally planning my plantings and garden areas. You all saw or heard about the stepping stone that Dick got me for Christmas, I think. It says "Don't piss off the fairies." I love it and need to fine the very best spot for it. I did some research on fairies and gardens. Several years ago I saw a garden plaque that said. "There are fairies at the bottom of our garden!" Silly me, I did not buy it and have been unable to find it since then. I have found the poem by Rose Flyman that the quote comes from. I may have to ask a sign maker to make one for me. In my research, I found out that the bottom of a garden is the semi wild area that is just beyond the carefully mowed and gardened area of our yards, an untilled area untouched by human plantings.

We have a really great bottom of our garden what with the wooded area that lies between our lawn and the park with the railroad track in the middle. (Actually the fairy rings are starting to reappear in the park. So I KNOW that fairies are around.) I think you might enjoy Rose Flyman's poem, so will transfer it here for you.


There are fairies at the bottom of our garden!
It's not so very, very far away;
You pass the gardener's shed and you )ust keep straight ahead
I do so hope they've really come to stay.
There's a little wood, with moss in it and beetles,
And a little stream that quietly runs through;
You wouldn't think they'd dare to come merrymaking there
Well, they do.

There are fairies at the bottom of our garden!
They often have a dance on summer nights;
The butterflies and bees make a lovely little breeze,
And the rabbits stand about and hold the lights.
Did you know that they could sit upon the moonbeams
And pick a little star to make a fan,
And dance away up there in the middle of the air?
Well, they can.

There are fairies at the bottom of our garden!
You cannot think how beautiful they are.
The all stand up and sing when the Fairy Queen and King
Come gently floating down upon their car.
The King is very proud and very handsome;
The Queen -now can you guess who that could be?
(She's a little girl all day, but at night she steals away.)
Well -it's me!

Rose Flyman

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. The snow is supposed to continue until morning. What is it with this Spring? We are having our Winter in April. Someone commented that we had a green Christmas and a white Easter (almost). Anyway, It should be cleared up by the time I pick up Jane Kocmoud and we head up to Green Bay for the poetry reading. I am really excited about that.

Have a good Thursday. Say a prayer for Barbara, Bart's wife. She is having stomach banding done on Friday, and tomorrow starts the counciling and the admission process.

Til tomorrow with the tale of my reading.


P. S. The Easter Lily that Dick and Brenda gave us now has four open blooms and one more just about ready to burst open. What a joy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out the Tudors' site.
They have character and episode info. You can view Episode 1 online, but it was cutting out on me, so might take a while to download.

Some large branches from our arbor vita have broken off with the weight of the snow. The main trunk on a 15 foot one just snapped off. It looks pitiful. We'll need a new planting on that corner of the house.