Monday, April 16, 2007

I am really tired tonight. My hips even ache so as soon as I get Chelsea out for her final walk, I am going to soak in the tub.

Went to Bible Study. We are still getting readings from the Acts of the Apostles and Revelation. Acts is nice because it tells some of the trials that the early Christians experienced. They became very courageous about spreading the word. Fr. Van Beeck pointed out to us that all of the apostles except for John the Evangelist were martyred.

This afternoon was Plymouth Writers Club. They liked my personal essay about the deer hunting trip that I sprained my ankle on and I am going to send it to the Writer's Digest Contest along with a poem for another area of the contest.

I fixed spinach, noodle,egg casserole for supper. Sure is good.

I was remembering Aunt Helen today, because Mom received a report from an insurance company that she has had a paid up policy with for years. She gets a check every year from them and at her age has made out pretty well. But I remembered Aunt Helen telling me that she was glad she lived so long. She had fought for so many things with that Insurance company. She was training the managers for years and at one time or another felt that she should have gotten the position. Once they told her that "after all, he has a family." Can you believe that flying today?

They eventually established a pension for her. When she retired, she got a small amount each month. It wasn't much but they paid for years and she was paid out MUCH more than they put in because it was scheduled for her lifetime. I was pleased to know that. She and many women like her made it possible for women like me to go much further in the business world.

Tomorrow we go to Mequon to pick up another pair of shoes for Dick.

Have a good day yourself.


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