Friday, March 09, 2007

It was rather warm today. What a pleasure. Sunshine and no wind and it went up into the low to mid 40s.

Had to get up at 5AM again but tomorrow we get to sleep in as we don't have to be at Valley View until 8:00AM.

I met Sara Behr at Rhine at 10:30AM and we got the roast beef and everything we could ready for the Bust Up Dinner tonight. Then I went on to Dairy Queen and had lunch there with Barb and Alice. I had an exceptional grilled cheese. They are always good there but once in a while they are really exceptional. I picked up a couple of Blizzards while I was there because Dick said that it sounded good. I AM trying to tempt him to eat. The trick will be to start backing off once his appetite is back.

The Bust Up party went well. I got another trophy for the Pistol League. Lil Pipping, my friend and competition, beat me this time. But my average was 53.8. Each time it does go up and frankly the last few weeks, I was not concentrating. I had made a tuna casserole for those who did not want meat. The trouble is that almost everybody likes that too so it went very fast. The food was really good and we were able to get everything cleaned up so I could come home at about 8:30. Nice because I am really tired.

I want to share a joke that was told at the Irish show last night. It was new to me and I really liked it.

An Englishman, a Scotsman and and Irishman went into a bar. They each ordered a pint of Guiness. As they were sitting there, three flies buzzed into the bar and one flew into each of the pints of Guiness.

The Englishman got upset and said. "How disgusting!" He pushed the pint away and called. "Barkeep I need another. Take this away."

The Scotsman scooped the fly out and drank the pint.

The Irishman picked up the fly by the tail and shook it shouting. "Spit it out, you bloody fly. Spit it out."

Tomorrow, Jim and Michelle are taking Bobbie and me to a quilt show in Kenosha. How fun.



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