Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A comparatively quiet day. A gloomy one too. It did get up to 55 degrees this afternoon which was at least nice for me as Chelsea was a real little pest this afternoon. I don't think she feels well lot of the time and thinks she has to go out. Or maybe she isn't feeling quite right and wonders why I don't just fix it because, in her eyes, I take care of everything else. She sleeps SO soundly now and a lot.

We had a pretty good walk this morning. I turned us back a little early because it was raining. Then when I thought that she might like to go around another cul de sac, she just sat down and looked at me. She does that when she if feeling worn out.

I spent the morning writing and clearing my desk. I also ordered a prescription, watered and transplanted some plants and caught up on the computer. Took Dick to Aurora Plymouth for his blood test at 11AM. Then we stopped at Walgreens for a few more supplies ( we are putting that salve on his feet and ran out of sterile pads). Then I fixed lunch and took a little nap.

This afternoon, I vacuumed the den and downstairs bedroom and baked some carrot raisin muffins. We had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Then I went downstairs to watch BONES and sew for a while. I have almost finished another kitty.

Now I am ready to wind down. Tomorrow, we shop and I need to pick up some things for Mother too. Usually, Donna just gets Mom's groceries when she goes, but Donna has had a terrible cold/flu for several days. She had a fever of 103 which is really scary. But she is improving. Anyway, I will pick the groceries up for her tomorrow and drop them off on my way back from finishing the judging of the poetry entries for the Write Stuff Contest that The Sheboygan County Writers is sponsoring with the Sheboygan Press. Three of us have read the poems, all 107 of them, and selected those that we feel are the best. Now we will pool our notes.

Today, Dick and I were watching the game show Hollywood Squares. We were laughing at the wit of Martin Mull as the center square. Then we reminised about Paul Lynde who was the center square on the original Hollywood Squares. I will always remember his answer to a question presented to him. It went as follows. "What state was Lincoln born in?" and Paul said. "The same state as the rest of us, Naked and Screaming."



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