Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Well, we got in to see Dr. Phelan about the rash at 10:45AM. We were relieved that he feels it is not a medicine allergy reaction but a reaction to one of the infections that has settled in the legs. Probably a staph infection of some kinds. There are signs that the antibiotics are helping but we need to get back on one of the old antibiotics to clear the other one. SO we went back to Valley View tonight and are still getting two doses. However the hour long one is now changed to one that only lasts 30 minutes. I forgot the name, perhaps I can remember to write it down tomorrow. We will have to go for another three or four days because of the changes. Sure hope this will do it. I think enough "shoes have dropped."

It was COLD again today too, but did get up to about 7 above and right now is still at 4 above, so we have hope for a break in this awful cold.

Years ago, I had a beautiful black cat named Samantha, Sam for short. She was part Siamese, built like one, with a yowl like one, though she was much too dignified to yowl too often. She was JET black and had the most beautiful green eyes in the world. Sam used to sleep with us at night. Living in California 45 years ago, cats could stay outside, were seldom kept in the house and were never licensed. We kept our window cracked just enough that Sam could get in and out as she pleased and this worked very well for all of us - Until the day I walked in the bedroom and found one side of the bed was covered with a solid layer of gray feathers. Poor birdie. Needless to say, that was the last time I left the window open during the day. She was a good mouser too. One day a mouse showed up in the bathroom and I just put her in the room, convinced her that I was not out of my mind by moving the basket that the mouse was hiding behind and Woosh - no more mousy.

She was a wonderful cat. She had a couple of litters of kittens too. She let me watch her deliver one litter. Do you know that they purr during the whole labor? I guess it must be comforting to them.

I should have tried that.



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