Friday, February 09, 2007

Another day winding down. It got all the way up to the mid teens today.

We started at our usual 5:00AM. I almost did not respond to the alarm. I was sound asleep and it was becoming a part of my dream. Everything went quickly today. They were all set up for us this morning. The nurse was in another room, but we saw Dick's stuff so settled ourselves in and were all ready when she got there.

Home again. We both napped. For some reason or other, today I was really beat and couldn't get really excited about anything. I stirred wine, cleaned the kitchen and baked some bars. This noon I joined Betty, Marlene, Barb and Ceil at the Dairy Queen. I had a grilled cheese and got an order of fries to share. That was a nice break in the day.

Jim and Michelle came over just before we left for Valley View this evening to borrow the hair clippers and brought Boots with them. He is getting SO big and still looks just like Sylvester. He picks on poor old Chelsea. He wants to play and she doesn't seem too excited about that. He is a sweet cat. I sure miss my guy and gal. I still say that noone would know that they were here if we just picked them up. drove into the garage and brought them into the house. They NEVER go out. Who would ever guess they were here. Can someone convince Dick of that?

I called Suzi, Dick's neice, today. His sister Hazel, is turning 90 this year and Suzi is having a party for her. It started out as a surprise, but she decided to tell Hazel because she figured a couple of weeks of joyful anticipation outweighed 5 minutes of surprise. She told me that Hazel had a mild heart attact a couple of weeks ago but is doing well. A prayer or two for that sweet lady would be in order. She is looking forward to her party.

"You can't leave footprints in the sands of time if you're sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave buttprints in the sands of time?"
- Anon

Tomorrow, the Sheboygan County Writers Club is going to have a celebration of our 50th year at Mead Public Library. I will be there. We are having readings, refreshments and fun. I will be bringing my book and hope to sell a couple of them. I was a member of the club more than 45 years ago right out of high school and then rejoined five years ago. We put together a book featuring something from every member that chose to provide something.

Did I tell you that I heard from my artist friend Bob. I, and I hope Dick if he feels well enough, will be having lunch with him and his friend and mind Steve at the Bread and Bean in Sheboygan Falls on Tuesday. Haven't seen him in a long time and want to somehow connect him up with another artist friend Cindy Matyi who I have put in contact with the Kohler Art Center and the Plymouth Art Center. She and a couple of other Celtic Artists have an exhibit that they show around the country. Sure would like to get them here. If we did, I could get Cindy to do a program for the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center.

Be happy.

Love You - I hope my ramblings don't bore you.


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