Monday, February 05, 2007

Had to get up at 5:00AM again this morning and get to Valley View by 6:00AM. It was -11 degrees. Isn't that awful. It is supposed to be just as cold or colder tonight. Then tomorrow afternoon it is supposed to start to warm a bit. Still cold but better than the last two days.

We were able to stay home all the rest of the day but had to get to Valley View tonight by 4:00PM so they could do blood tests. Then they started the intravenous. The nurse noticed that there seems to be a rash on Dick's hands and knees, also a little around his waist, mainly in the back. SO!!! Tomorrow we have to call Dr. Phelan's office at 8:00AM on the dot so that he can take a look at it. We will go to the Clinic as soon as they can get us in. His legs seem to be less swollen but this morning the right one was seeping again. They are peeling like crazy. I sure hope this clears things up. He is also so tired and has not appetite. Must remember to ask about that.

We racked the Gewertziminer wine today and I did some sewing. I started sewing one of the squares for the Blessed Trinity Celtic Quilt and did some more of the hand quilting on the kitty quilt.

Because of the cold (schools were even closed) I canceled the bible study for today. Seems silly for anyone to go out in that bitter cold unless it is absolutely necessary. That gave me a couple of extra hours so I worked a bit on the taxes too. I plan to have everything in order by tomorrow night then I can call for an appointment.

The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

Chelsea is starting to think that it is time to go to bed and so do I. Keep us in your prayers. Remember Jim and Michelle driving in this cold down to Milwaukee for work too. Today something happened to the car. But it is all OK now.

Love you


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