Thursday, January 04, 2007

We went grocery shopping this morning and got gas in the car. The rest of the day was spent at home.

I cleaned and cleared off my desk - again. Called a few people that I had not talked to in quite a while and ended up talking longer than I thought I would. I called Mom this afternoon too. She told me that she had fallen on Tuesday. She is really sneaky. She fell and then after making sure that nothing was seriously hurt and nothing was broken she was just not going to tell anyone about it. Then she looked in the mirror and found that she has a black eye so she told Donna the next time she talked to her and figured that she had better tell me too. I am sure glad that she got that lifeline. She commented that she was so glad she had it too. We both remember one time when Helen fell and could not get up, or to a phone to call for help. It was just a good thing that I had been trying to reach her and finally called Mom to walk over to see if she was all right.

Isn't the picture nice. Jim was very clever and got us all posed, set the camera on delay and popped right in there. Jim and Michelle "made" the refrigerator at Mother's house.



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