Saturday, January 06, 2007

It has chilled down a bit today and there was a rather brisk clip of wind this afternoon. We went to the Exchange Bank for breakfast on Jim and Michelle's recommendation and were very pleased. We each had a cup of decaf and I had a breakfast roll and Dick had a cinnamon bun. Both were excellent and the atmosphere was very pleasant. I found out that they have open mike every Friday from 5 t0 8 in the evening. He said it us usually music. I told him I do poetry and he seemed quite excited and asked me to come. Perhaps I will.

Then we went over to Fleet Farm and picked up some security bars for the showers. Jim and Michelle will install them for us as soon as they have time. I also found some spice packets for mixing venison and pork into bratwurst and Italian sausage. We are going to have to get a new fryer. I'll bet Dick regrets making me give away the two gas grills that I won in successive church festivals several years ago.

I cleaned out the spice cabinet and dumped a lot of old stuff. Things fit much better now. I also went through the freezer and inventoried the food in there. Boy, do we have a lot of food. We could bet by without buying anything else for a month, I bet.

I ordered Nora's wedding present today. It is supposed to arrive on the 9th. We'll see.

This year the Sheboygan County Writer's Club is celebrating it's 50th year. We are going to have an open house in conjunction with and at Mead on the afternoon of Saturday February 10. We are going to print a limited edition of a booklet using a piece from all of the members who wish to contribute. This is rather exciting. I don't know if I ever told you that I was a member of this club shortly after I graduated from high school and before I left for California. That was in 1958 to 1960 so I joined when the club was only two years old. Two of the members were Esther Stein, an elderly women who lived just around the corner from the old red house that I grew up in, and Dorothy Litersky, the mother of my friend Barbara Sadler. While I was a member we hosted a Writer's Conference at the then Executive Inn.

We had venison, noodles, green beans and cucumber salad for supper. I marinated the venison Texas style and broiled it. Boy was it ever good.

Take care and I will touch base tomorrow.



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