Friday, January 12, 2007

A very busy day today. I cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms this morning. Then Dick and I went to Hunters Glen to pour water down the washing machine drain. We think the odd odor comes from there. If the water is not flowing regularly, there would be an eventual small of sewer. The house was nice and warm again so it should be pleasant for viewing.

Then I went for lunch with the bank friends. There were five of us today. Betty, Mary, Barb , Ceil and me. I had a grilled cheese. I do like the grilled cheese at the Dairy Queen. Probably next week, Dick and I will be on our way to Door county for our get away weekend.

I fixed spaghetti sauce this morning and we had spaghetti and meatballs for supper. Sure was good. I made half of what I usually make but have enough for lasagna and at least one more spaghetti meal.

Went shooting tonight. Not too good but not too bad either. Hope I can start getting good on the first one. It usually takes one to get my sights in.

I am working on two poems that I need to have finished by Monday morning. Both are kind of coming together. It is really good for me to have deadlines. ( Otherwise I need a REALLY big inspiration.) Deadlines, however, make me crazy. I like to put periods on sentences.

This morning on Good Morning America, they had a bit being put on by Lynn Shearer (I think I spelled her name right, but don't hold me to it.) Any way it featured reunions between animals showing that they do have memories and attachments to their own kind. One of the most touching things I have ever seen. Two circus elephants, one who had never seen another elephant in 25 years and one who had met this elephant that 25 years earlier were reunited at a refuge for elephants and other wild creatures. They had a fence between them in case the creatures were not receptive to each other. But the minute they were close enough they started caressing each other with their trunks and trying to get close and greeting each other. By morning they had disassembled the fence in their efforts to get close. The last scene is a film of the two walking across a field sides pressed together with their trunks entwined. It brings tears of joy.

Love is really special isn't it.


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