Monday, January 08, 2007

Dick and I met his new doctor, Dr. Mark Sharon today. Dick had to have someone check his heart for that murmur and Dr. Phelan is phasing out of the clinic as I have mentioned. Dr. Sharon has told us that he does not consider Dick borderline diabetic but just flat out a diabetic. He is going to have the experts at the clinic arrange for education for us so that we can become wise in the eating habits. He also gave us some hints to help the circulation and ordered some tests of his own. We are pleased. Dr. Phelan is going to look at his legs tomorrow and will forward his findings to Dr. Sharon so Dr. Sharon can decide how he wants to treat the problem. Whew. So we see Dr. Phelan tomorrow and get blood tests on Wednesday. Then next week he will have an EKG and see Dr. Hodous for the callouses and Sue for the blood count. I wonder what they would do without us. Probably go out of business.

I did get to about half of bible study this morning. We had a good group there and the reading was the Wedding Feast at Cana. We all had our theories as to why Jesus asked Mary what she expected but noted as mothers ourselves, most of us anyway, that she acted like any mother. She smiled at his statement and told the people to just do what he said.

Then I stopped to visit with Mother. She really has a shiner from that fall. She never would have been able to hide it from us. She is feeling well enough to go the the senior meals tomorrow and to play cards with her friends on Thursday so I know she is better.

Next I went on to the Sheboygan Writers Club. We are in the middle of two events. Our 50th anniversary as a club is in 2007 AND we will be doing our second Write Stuff (a writing contest for middle school students) in cooperation with the Sheboygan Press. We have three categories: poetry, short story and essay. I will help judge the poetry. Last year we just went to the Sheboygan Schools and we had over 100 entries. This year we have opened it up to the county. I will be delivering the envelopes to the Plymouth schools tomorrow.

I turned in The Knockeen Dolmen poem for the booklet that we are putting together for the 50th celebration on February 10th. We are all submitting a piece for the booklet and then will have a reading from 1 to 2 on the 10th in the Rocca Room at Mead.

Hope that you can come. Hope I can. I am not sure when the Wild Game Dinner is. Jeff thinks it is the first weekend. I thought it was the second weekend and have signed up for a Celtic Spirituality Retreat for Feb. 2, 3 and 4. Oh well, I will just get the roast ready and over to Becky before I leave with instructions. If it is the second weekend I will have to miss the Writer's thing as family will come before that. I might be able to sneak away for a bit or perhaps go to the dinner after the readings. Oh well, sufficient unto the day.

Have a nice evening.



Tonight was the Rhine Plymouth general meeting. I am no longer the secretary. It was my first meeting in four years that I didn't have to take notes for. Was that ever nice.

We had pizza for supper tonight. Hadn't had pizza in ages and I had one in the freezer begging to be eaten. Tasted pretty good and we have some left for lunches or another meal. It is rather hard to cook for two. But I am learning. I am certainly cutting out any recipes for two that I find. Usually they are enough for four anyway and we have two meals out of them. I cooked a pound of venison the other day. We have had two meals with it already and have enough left for at least a sandwich. I may have that tomorrow for lunch.

It will be interesting to see how much I have to change the way I prepare food and if we have to do much changing of habits. I told Dick he is probably going to have to give up his Pringles.

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