Monday, January 22, 2007

The plow trucks were coming around just about the time that Chelsea and I went out for our walk at 6:00AM. They are really nice. The driver stopped and let Chelsea and I walk by so she wouldn't be distressed by the noise and flying snow. I told him that we sure were glad to see him and he laughed and said that he bet we were.

I went to Bible study. The roads were pretty well cleared by 9:00 and were no longer slippery. We had a small but eager group and talked extensively about the readings which dealt with the importance of love in all that we do and with the fact that Jesus was not too well accepted in his own land. The "neighbors" said. "Isn't he the son of Joseph.'' And they were not impressed that he did not and said that he would not be doing miracles in his own town.

Stopped to see Mother and took her a bulletin. She did not go over to church yesterday because it was too slippery. She got tons of cards and flowers and presents for her birthday.

I picked up a copy of the bulletin and the worship folder because they had my poem for Fr. Gene printed in them. I will add it here for you now that it has been performed at the Mass.


by Mary Kunert

On your own

But not alone

Journey towards salvation.

Jesus is path and companion.

If you ignore him

You will not be chosen

By the King

Because Jesus is the hungry,

The naked, the lonely, the homeless.

On your own

But not alone

Walk the Way He showed us.

He is within you always

As he promised,

Even to the end of the age.

He is in the dying

And the newborn child

Believe in Him

On your own

But not alone

Accept the blessing offered

Step forward boldly, all of you,

the poor in spirit, the hungry,

the peacemakers, the meek,

the merciful, the clean of heart,

Alongside those who mourn

Or are persecuted for his sake.

You are never alone

But are joined to God

And to each other by the promise of the Son

Every day

At this table.

Based on Matthew 5:3-10, 25:31-46 and 28:20

The other excitement today was our visit with June Maile, a diabetes specialist, who went over a LOT of information for us and gave Dick his monitor and very clear instructions on how to use it. We will go next Wednesday morning for our first of several classes on how to deal with diabetes in regards to diet, exercise and I assume many other things. ( I can't get the italics to go off, so I will put the rest of the message in bold. Don't want you to think this is part of the poem. Ha Ha.) He is to start testing every day and keep a log. He is also asked to keep a food log for a while. We have decided not to change any thing until we attend the meeting so we know what CHANGES need to be made and what we are doing right.

Guess that is all for now. Have a nice day.


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