Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Today I went to see Dr. Nytis, an ear specialist because my right ear feels like it is not popping. It has been that way for over a month and I felt that there was some hearing problem in the ear too. She checked everything. My left ear has better than perfect hearing. The right ear is showing some loss. She thinks that the estruatian tube is not opening and closing as it should be . So she wants me to continue trying to "pop" it and perhaps use a decongestant to help clear it up. She said that it can take as much as three months to fix this problem.

The rest of the day we were at home. I did some writing and research. We added what was needed to the Gewertziminer Wine and I baked bread.

Such a pleasure not to be under any deadlines for a change.

I called my sister, Nora, tonight too. Mom had told me that her husband, our Leif, went for his annual physical and that he has prostate cancer. This is of course very upsetting. I asked the bible study group to pray for him yesterday and my friend, Kathy Keyes, whose husband Tom, was diagnosed last year about this time gave me some advice for her. 1. Listen to the doctors. There are five or six treatments. Choose carefully. 2. Always go together. Four ears are better than two. 3. Go to support groups. and 4 Most people die of something other than this cancer so have hope. We are planning on the latter.

Leslie's Nora has delayed her wedding to Jan 13 so that they can be married in Brandon's church. I am pleased. This will give more time for planning a memorable ceremony for her and going through a church setting will underline the importance of this commitment.

Tomorrow we will be home ALL day. This will really be a treat. We will cut Dick's hair, and do some cleaning and just relax. The next day he goes to get his blood tested again and his calouses checked.

From Dog to God:
Dear God: We dogs can understand human verbal instructions,
hand signals, whistles, horns, clickers, beepers, scent ID's,
electromagnetic energy fields, and Frisbee flight paths. What do
humans understand?

Have a nice evening.


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