Friday, December 29, 2006

Such a nice day today. It was not too cold but a bit gloomy weather wise. Chelsea and I started on our walk at abut 6:10AM. She was Little Miss Adventure this morning and decided to take a slightly different route. We turned out of the tract on a path about halfway up Tall Grass Lane heading towards the Park. Then we turned onto the abandoned railroad tracks and proceeded to Highland where we started on our usual path around Lions Park. A nice walk altogether.

When we got back, I fed everybody breakfast. Dick took a nap and I cleaned the kitchen. I met Betty and Barb at the Dairy Queen for lunch. Everybody else was gone or busy. Barb's daughter Dana was with her with her other daughter's children. Anna is the one who is almost three and I forgot the baby's name again. Anna has Down's Syndrome and it is always good to see her and see how she is progressing. She interacts well with people now, is very friendly and smiles a lot. The baby is a smiler too and has cheeks as round as a chipmunk.

Home again and I baked a cake. We have these clementines that are just NOT getting eaten fast enough. I found a recipe for a bundt cake which is really good and I made it in my new rose bundt pan. Is it ever pretty. Come over for a piece tomorrow if you want.

Did I tell you that there are Fairy Rings in Lions Park? They are scattered ALL over the park. I did a little bit or research and found that many nationalities recognize the fairy ring. More often for evil that good. I know the Celtic people do. People believed that the mushroom circle grew where the fairies danced, following their circle path. The rings in the park are just dark green rings. I see no mushrooms. I hope they are happy fairies as CHILDREN play in the park. Legend also says that if you find a fairy ring on a night with a full moon you will be invited to join in.

The Bible actually alludes to them, Matt. xii. 43 says that 'The fairies dance in circles in dry places; and the Scripture saith that the walk of evil spirits is in dry places.'



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