Monday, August 14, 2006

Today was much too busy. Started off with my walk with Chelsea. It was very nice, so she was eager and we did the whole thing. Then I watered the plants and started the sprinkler. We did have a little bit of rain last night but not enough to do a lot of good.

Bible study was interesting. We are talking about the bread and wine becoming the body and blood and how gross and shocking it must have been to the people of Jesus' day when he said that if they did not eat his flesh and drink heis blood they would die but if they did they would live forever. Wonder what I would have done.

This afternoon was Writer's Club. I brought my book. They are all very proud of me and I sold my first two books. WOW.

This evening I went to church to help decorate for the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady. We also hung the quilt for the Celtic Faire which is done and absolutely beautiful. I will be going the the 7AM Mass in the morning and get a good digital picture to send to Sandy in the office so that she can get it into the bulletin.

Now I am home and tired. I had trouble sleeping the latter part of last night. I kept waking up and having trouble getting back to sleep. Such a pain.

I am getting excited about Irish Fest. Suzi, Dick's sister Hazel's daughter, is going with me on Saturday. We had such fun last year and I know we will repeat that fun. I will spend Saturday night with them in Sussex and then go back to the festival on Sunday in time for Mass at 9:30. I have two passes so Suzi and I can get in free on Sunday and then I will bring some groceries and get in free on Sunday. Such a deal.

We are going to have an open house on Sunday afternoon from 12:30 to 1:30. Bobbie is going to pick up Dick and the critters for a couple of hours. Best that the house is empty when there is an open house.

Wish us luck



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