Friday, June 02, 2006

Just got home from a lovely evening at the Irish Center in Milwaukee where Jim, Michelle and I enjoyed the reading of the poetry of a group of women who wrote poems for poems written by a group of fiber artests. These women meet occasionally and exchange poems and fiber art. The poems are sealed in blank envelopes and the fiber art is also wrapped so nobody knows what they are getting. Then each poet writes a poem in honor of the art she has received and each artist creates a piece of art for the poem she has received. They have several months to create their poem or art piece. The body of work was beautiful and there is nothing more special than hearing a poem performed by the author.

We stopped at the Silver Springs Inn for dinner. I had a really good burrito. They serve it with chopped green onion and tomato on it which is really tasty. I liked the slice of orange that was on the plate too.

It was a beautiful day. Tonight we are seeing a bit of lightening and hearing a bit of thunder but that too shall pass.

My friend Bill Cain came over today to see the house. We feel that we may be considering moving in a year or two into a condo possibly and I felt that I would be more comfortable knowing what the market value of the home is so that we would have some idea what we would have to work with funds wise.

Tomorrow is another busy day. I start off at 8:00 at church with the environment committee so I need to get to bed pretty soon.

I think I shared this once before, but after my evening of poetry it bears repeating.

"I am always amazed that poems are willing to lie down and stay inside the flat closed pages of books." John O'Donohue


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