Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Thunder and rain all day today. According to the rain gauge we got 1.57 in the past 24 hours.Chelsea and I had a good morning walk, though she got a little lazy and turned back before we got all the way to the end. After that, every time I took her out it was either raining or the thunder would boom. She did a lot of running back to the house. She doesn't seem as upset this year as she used to be. Maybe age has given her the knowledge that the thunder doesn't REALLY hurt or come and get her.

The rest of the day was reasonably busy. Dick and I racked the Marigold Wine. In a couple of weeks we can filter and bottle it, then we just wait for it to age.

I went to see Dr. Casey and then stopped at Wal Mart to pick up some plastic totes to store my fabric in. Jim and Michelle have Jim's things in the den so organized and cleaned out, that I feel I should organize and store my fabrics so the whole den looks nice.

I picked up Market Day, the last until the Fall. Chelsea got a nice ride which always pleases her.

Tonight I am sewing on the banner for Celtic Faire and we are watching Capote. I think the Netflix subscription Bart and Barb gave me is about expired. I am sure they will let me know.

Tomorrow, Todd from Richardson's will be here to tear off the counter tops. The next day, the new top will be delivered and installed. I have all the cupboards emptied and will remove the drawers in the morning. Good thing we are going to see Damn Yankees presented by the Sheboygan Theatre Company. As we always go out to dinner, that solves the problem of no counter tops or sink for at least one day.

They are really going all out on the baseball theme. They are even giving free popcorn to anyone who wears a baseball cap. Mother and I are going to bring hats. Dick says he is not. Perhaps we will share, perhaps not.

If the rain keeps falling we may need a boat. I remember the year that we bought this house was a year of torrential rains, actually in the later summer. We knew that this house was water tight because the basement was totally dry and non musty even after all the flooding around the area. This morning the ditches had water flowing. It will probably be even deeper tomorrow. Wonder where the ducks went. I haven't seen them for over a week and you would think they would like the water to swim in.

Remember this old poem?

If all the world were apple pie
And all the seas were ink
And all the trees were bread and cheese
What would we have to drink?

More rain predicted for tomorrow. Pray that we don't float away.


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