Monday, May 29, 2006

We got to stay home ALL day today. Such a deal. It was wonderful. We had some hard rolls left from frying out yesterday, so I fixed us egg and cheese sandwiches on toasted hard rolls for breakfast. BOY were they good.

I spent about an hour outside in the front yard trimming some bushes this morning. Thought I had better get to it before they got away from me. With all the rain and now the hot weather, everything is just going to go crazy soon. Tomorrow, I want to trim up the junipers before they get scruffy looking.

Yesterday, Mother and I were talking about all the animals that we have had over the ages. I would really miss having them around. Mother had a bird up until about 6 years ago. She and Dad had dogs even after moving into the little house. I remember their Buffy. Buffy was a cock a poo. He adored Dad. Dad was not too steady on his feet in his later years but Buffy seemed to know just how to weave in and out around his feet without tripping him. Buffy was terrified of riding in cars because the only place he ever went was to the vet.

This is how the conversation started. I brought Chelsea with me when I picked Mom up and when I took her home. I mentioned that I like to take her for rides whenever I can so she thinks it is fun. Otherwise, she too will be afraid because they DO hate going to the vet. I can't say I blame them. I don't much like going to the doctor either.

Dad was very unsteady on his feet in his later years. On one occasion, Mother had her friends over at the old house playing cards. Dad was puttering around in the garden. Mom would look out on him every so often to see how he was doing. Eventually, he sat down in the lawn chair so she figured he was done gardening. When she looked out , he waved and she would wave back. Suddenly, she realized that it had started to rain so she went out to see why he had not come in. It turns out that he sat down and couldn't get back up. His "waving" was motioning for her to come to help him up. Fortunately, it was not raining hard and double fortunately, Dad had a marvelous sense of humor and thought the incident was funny.

Jim and Michelle went to Door County this weekend. They took an airplane ride (Jim's very first) around the peninsula to view the lighthouses. He liked it.

Have a nice week



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