Monday, April 10, 2006

Whew - what a busy day. I am so glad that it is over and tomorrow, I get to stay home ALL day. Chelsea is getting her Easter Bath in the morning. I hope that SHE doesn't read the blog tonight. I would hate to have her fretting all night long.

Started out this morning with Bible Study at 9:30AM. I was totally surprised. My fellow Bible Study participants chipped together and bought me a lovely crystal crucifix as a thank you for starting and leading the group. They are such a great group of loyal interested people and we are all learning SO much. This morning, we started out with a general discussion of the "new" Judas Gospel. It is pretty well proven that it does date back far enough but it does not put forth the same message (even discounting the fact that it says that Judas was following Jesus request by betraying him) that the other gospels do. It is totally different even than the other Gnostic gospels which were not included in the New Testament.

Then I went to take pictures of the Palm Sunday decorations in church that the Environment committee worked hard on and found the our Deacon and Priest had taken off the altar cloth we had left on and replaced it with a wrinkled red raggy piece of cloth because the Deacon decided that the altar cloth should be red and they couldn't find an altar cloth. What a joke. I am still trying to get some satisfaction on that. Deacon Sy and I disagree completely on the instructions for Palm Sunday decorations. I will be discussing this with Father. I don't have to this.

Writers Club this afternoon and two more meetings at church tonight have left me really beat. I shared my poem with them and they liked it. I will share it with you here and you can let me know what you think. I would like to send it somewhere but am not quite certain where it fits.


They become translucent
In the twilight of their days.
Like fragile delicate china
The light from within and beyond
Shines through
With a warm golden glow.

Once brazen yellow, like a dandelion
Sprung up on the lawn.
Now a fragile tuft of spun silver
Waiting to be whispered away gently
By God's own breath
To eternity and home.

Today at Bible Study, Helen Maurer mentioned that my Mother had taught her daughter at St. Mary School many years ago. Mom taught at the school for two years during the strike. She was a teacher, you know. She got her teachers certificate at the Sheboygan Falls Normal School which later became Lightfoot School, for special needs children and now has been torn down. The land is being used to put up condominiums. But I digress. Mom was teaching the year that John Kennedy was assasinated and Helen's daughter still remembers Mother talking to the children about it and crying along with them at the sadness of it all.

Have a nice Tuesday. It is supposed to be warm


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