Thursday, April 13, 2006

Another warm day with a bit of sprinkles thrown in mid afternoon. Just enough moisture to give everything a bit of a drink and a gently rinse.

We went to see Sue, the technician who checks Dick's blood every month. He was perfect again. Sue said it had been 16 months and she is amazed. She wishes he could bottle what he does because it is just unheard of to be within the perameters for that long a time. Proud - Proud - Proud.

We then went grocery shopping and home. This afternoon, I had to go BACK to church to finish the environment (decorating - it's decorating. Churches don't like to say they decorate, but they do.) for Holy Thursday (tonight). Marcie, Donna, Fran and I finished at about 4:45 and I had to spin back home to fix and eat dinner and change to go BACK to church for the Holy Thursday service, as the choir sang.

It was an interesting service. It is the one that involves the symbolic washing of the feet. That went well. Following that we had the petitions and the Eucharistic Service. THEN they processed the sacrament to the temporary tabernacle that we had set up outside the body of the church (which is the normal Holy Thursday thing to do.) In the back of my mind, I was thinking, "When do they strip the altar." When the sacrament was ensconsed, Fr. Gene said that people could pray in silence and then leave. So most people started to get up and leave. Then Deacon Sy Regan went up to the front and said. "Silence should be maintained. We aren't done yet." (I am paraphrasing) Then he and Deacon Bill proceeded to take the cloths off of the altar as those who remained in church kind of whispered and milled around in confusion. In the background we could hear Fr. Gene laughing in conversation with someone in the vestibule. It was all very odd. Why Fr. Gene or the Deacons did not announce, or better yet, they did not mention in the Worship folder that the altar would be stripped after the interment and that everyone should wait in silence until that was accomplished, I will never know. But I certainly do not know more than these Old Men do. Ha Ha

Maybe Good Friday will be smoother.



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