Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I got to stay home ALL day again today. I did sewing and computer catchup and desk clearing. It was great. It was quite warm today, so Chelsea and I had a good walk. She also got a bath this morning and is just beautiful. She actually glows in the sunlight again.

Jim is adjusting to his new job. He liked today better because he had stuff to actually DO, though it is cutting in to the time that Mary has to train him. The hardest thing for him so far is changing to a day person.

I was supposed to be able to stay home all day tomorrow too but Dick wants to grocery shop because Thursday is turning out a bit busy with two medical appointments. He gets his finger pricked and I have my eyes checked.

A cricket has moved into our office. He is between the desks somewhere. Dick will insist on spraying bug spray soon. I hate that because it smells so bad and I don't like poisons especially where the critters hang out. He will probably want it sprayed just before we go to bed so we can shut the door. I think there is already one dead cricket body back there. We can't figure out how they get in here and they always go to the same spot.

I am watching the second and last half of the Westminster Kennel Club show. I do like that. It is such fun seeing all the dogs and hearing about the different breeds. My friend Janet Thomas is a former breeder of Alaskan Malamutes and still works the dog circuit as a handler. She says that this show does not involve quite as much competition as the shows she works but that it is fun to watch.

Til tomorrow.


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