Monday, December 12, 2005

This was the best that my ankle has felt since Thanksgiving - However, tonight my hips just ache. I probably overdid because I did feel better.

Went to Bible Study this morning. We always have a good discussion. I like the idea we have now of discussing the passages that will be read the following Sunday.

The Sheboygan County Writer's Club had their annual Christmas Party. We go to lunch, this year to Arabella's, and then exchange the $5 gift and read anything that we have. I am really tired so will cut and paste the little short blurb that I wrote to read at the lunch.

My Mother shared a memory with me this year. She asked me if St. Nicholas had come to our house this year. December 5 is St. Nicholas Day, you know.

St. Nicholas used to come to us when I was a child. St. Nick always brought a piece of fruit and a little bit of candy to good boys and girls. He was a reminder that Christmas was coming and that we had to be good. Bad boys and girls got coal. One year, my brother Jeff got a lump of coal.

Her memory is this:

Grandma and Grandpa Bowser were living in Lomira. Only Mother, about 4 years old and her younger brother Noel were born at that time. One of the neighbor men dressed up in a long fur coat, like those used to ride in horse drawn carriages years ago with a hood. He carried a long staff and wore a beard. Then he traveled around to all the homes where little children lived.

At that time hired hands were quite common. They would work on the farms and live and eat with the family. Grandma and Grandpa had one.

“St. Nick” proceeded to ask Mother and Noel if they were good little children and if they said their prayers faithfully every day. They assured him that they did.

Then he asked the hired hand if he was good and if he said his prayers. The hired hand laughed and said that he never said prayers and never would. At that, St. Nick rose up and began to “beat” at the hired hand with his long staff and drove him out of the house.

This whole thing really terrified Mother. She said that she really said her prayers after that. Actually – she still does.

By the way – St. Nicholas did not come to our house this year. He did not come to Mother either.

I also wrote a poem for a Christmas Card. Here it is.

Tiny Baby, Son of God
The Angels sang the story
Shepherds, Wisemen came to see
This Child of endless glory.

The message of this virgin birth
Through the ages we still tell
I proudly shout his name to all
Jesus - Our Emmanuel

Good Night.


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