Saturday, December 03, 2005

I am very tired. BUT a lot was accomplished today also. It was cold and started snowing this afternoon. We have about two inches already I think. Chelsea, of course, is in hog heaven.

This morning, Dick and I went out very early to Walmart and bought a new microwave (our current one has had a door that jams for a couple of years now and I think it is dangerous.) a new crock pot (the base on my current one broke and it is silly to prop up your crock pot when you are using it.) a new water pick and some Christmas cards. Then we stopped at Hardee's for breakfast.

I did get the buckeyes dipped in the chocolate, so everybody can relax. Then at two o'clock I drove to Falls to join the choir for caroling on Pine Street for Main Street Memories. We really had a lot of fun. I found out my friend, Fran, had never gone caroling before. We sang outside Fasse's for a bit, took the horse drawn wagon and sang the whole trip it took around town, walked through Fasse's and over to Richardson's Furniture, where we joined a pianist who was entertaining there. Finally, we walked over to to Evans and strolled through the store while we were singing.

Then we sang at the 5:00PM Mass. That means that I don't have to go to church tomorrow and can stay home ALL day.

I think I told you about the time Mother, Nora and I all tried to get a snowsuit on Bart. My Ex, Bret and Bart were visiting Wisconsin one Christmas and went to spend the day with Nora and Leif. Nora offered a snowmobile suit that Stenn had outgrown for Bart to play in. He took one look at it and said. "People will laugh at me." He was three but apparantly his self image did not include a snowsuit and the three of us were unable to shove those flaying arms and legs into the thing. We gave up. He wore the old snow pants and jacket that Mother had found at the house.

Have a happy Sunday.


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