Friday, December 02, 2005

Dick and I had quite a busy day. It was very cold, in the teens, but sunny and very pretty outside. We went over to Mom's and Randy helped me box up the two deer hides to take to WB Tanning in Hartford. That is an interesting experience. You get a slip that you tape or tie to the hides that you brought in. Then you just leave and two or three months later, when you have forgotten ALL about it a notice comes that the hides are ready. You send a check and they mail the hides to you. It is quite efficient. Did you know that tanned hides are not natually that pretty brown tan color but a kind of bluish gray color. When I get enough hides tanned, I will have a jacket made. I asked and I need between 4 and 10 depending on the size and style I choose. So I have a ways to go. With these two, I have three.

On the way home, we stopped at a George Webb Restuarant to eat lunch. Neither of us had ever eated at one before. They are, we found, very 50s cafe. Small. The service was pleasant but SLOW. We loved the french fries. Anyway, there were four women in the booth next to us. One of them was quite old and the others were reassuring her that her current situation was indeed best for her. We assumed that she had recently been forced to go into either assisted living or a nursing home. I felt for her - and for them. I remember that Aunt Kathleen said that Grandma Bowser was in tears when she had to go to Pine Haven. She had to move SO many times in their early marriage and when they bought the house in Falls, she wanted to die there. I think it broke her heart. I hope Mother never has to make that decision. So far so good. She is getting excited about her birthday party in January. 90 is pretty special.

This afternoon, I mixed and rolled the buckeyes. Tomorrow, I can dip them in chocolate and have them ready for shipping. Christmas is trying to creep up on us.



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