Saturday, October 29, 2005

I am posting very early tonight because I want to watch The Sixth Sense on TV tonight. If you haven't seen this movie. DO! It is wonderful. I am constantly amazed at Bruce Willis. He keeps playing these super hero guys but does things like Sixth Sense which show how versital and what a really good actor he really is.

I took a LONG nap today. Dick says I need more but I hate to waste the days sleeping. This morning I went to the Legion of Mary Mass and luncheon. Blessed Trinity has 90 member in its Legion of Mary Auxiliary, which is me. I say a rosary and the accompanying prayers every day. The active members have to put in a much bigger time commitment than I am able to give at this point in my life. I can however say a rosary each day. I usually say it while Chelsea and I are on our morning walk.

A Fr. Mike Dineen gave our talk at the brunch. He gave a suggestion that we go home and suggest to our husbands that we say the rosary together. He suggested that at the beginning or end of each decade we hold hands and give each other a kiss and tell each other we love each other. I told Dick the idea. He said that he doesn't have to pray for kisses and love, he just has to get over his cold. It was a sweet suggestion though.

Mother is also a member of the auxiliary so I got to have brunch and some time with her.

Hope your Saturday was as pleasant. Dick and I filtered the Riesling wine today too.



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