Thursday, September 29, 2005

Just a quick note as it is 10:00PM and I am about to go to bed. It was an interesting day. Dick and I went to breakfast and then shopping this morning.

Then I got a call from my cousing Lynn. She and her husband Jeff were in town early because they were not sure when the funeral for her mother Patty, was going to be. They have to leave EARLY on Sunday so would not be able to make it to a brunch on Sunday. So - I invited them to supper tonight. We had a very pleasant meal and then I led them over to Mom's to visit and I went to choir. I was done in time to lead them back. They are staying at the Comfort Inn just down in back of the Hardee's on J.
They seem very happy. Jeff drives truck - mostly locally and Lynn has been teaching for 18 years. They have two beautiful little girls, Katie and Sydney. I am really glad they came over.

Jeff called while I was gone. He is going to order a big floral arrangement from the whole gang of us and have it delivered to Wenig's on Saturday. That seems like a great idea to me. The obituary for Patty was in the paper tonight. I am so delighted to find that she also wrote poetry. I shared some of ours, (Dad, George, Matt and Mine) with Lynn. I gave her a copy of the book of Dad's poems that I compiled.

Tomorrow, I am having a bone density test. It will be interesting, but I believe that my bones are very good, so it is just a technicality.

Dave Berry said. "You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog sill give you a look that says, 'My God, you're right! I never would've thought of that!'"



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