Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I had the most wonderful experience listening to Dr. George Archibald's lecture at Lakeland College. Before the lecture, he actually walked up and talked to me. He thought he recognized me. I told him he looked familiar too and then he said he was the speaker. I told him that was why he looked familiar to me, because I am a crane fan. He is going to keep me informed as to when he goes up to Neceedah to watch the ultralights fly with the cranes. Wouldn't that be an exciting adventure.

The talk was informative and very easy to listen too. I learned a lot about the current condition of the flocks in Asia and Africa too. Did you know that there are no cranes in South America? Nobody really knows why.

I also picked up Market Day. As I said, we need to start emptying out the freezer now. We have enough food to feed us for a long time.

I got a call today from church. Lynn, the business manager, asked me if Doug Deeley was my brother. I told her no, he is my cousin. Then she said that the funeral home had called and that Doug's sister had died. I am so glad that she called. The sister is our cousin Patty. I haven't heard from her directly since my brother Tim died but have kept in touch with how she is doing through her daughter Jennifer. Jenny is a great gal for sending Christmas cards and responding to e-mails. Anyway, Patty was awful about writing or calling, but when you were with her, you always had FUN. Patty was a ray of sunshine in any room that she was in. I will miss knowing she is around. I am not too surprised, because I knew that she had congestive heart failure. I e-mailed Jenny and told her that if there was anything that I could do to let me know. And I called Mother. Doug MAY call but I wouldn't count on it.

Say a special prayer for Patty and her kids tonight. We want her soul to speed right up to heaven.

story that came out of Baton

Yesterday the Rev. Jesse Jackson showed up in Baton Rouge, I wished he would
have showed up in Sheriff Harry Lee's office as we would have NEVER heard
from him again. He said, "Bush has NOT appointed a Single Black to head up
this Katrina Relief, the Black Caucus and Black Leaders all over America are
upset with him putting the Black Folks on the side and it is OUR people who
are sitting on their roof tops waiting for Rescue, OUR people who are
standing in line at the Superdome waiting on Food, Water and a Ride to a
safe place, OUR people who have been locked down in Poverty..." and so on.

George Sell the Anchorman for TV 9 news responded to Jesse, "Rev. Jackson,
the Mayors of New Orleans and Baton Rouge are Black, the Police Chief's of
New Orleans and Baton Rouge are Black, the Head of the LA State Police is
Black, the Head of the Army conducting the Army's operation on the Ground in
New Orleans is Black, the Congressman from New Orleans is Black and for the
last 40 years, the leaders of LA have been members of the Democratic Party,
YOUR Party, don't blame us like you are doing, look in the Mirror, you pull
the Race Card any time you don't get your way, we are in a Terrible Crisis
and right now we need to come together and here you come to Louisiana and
holler Racism, just like you do, it is NEVER EVER your fault, ALWAYS someone
else, but here you are sitting High and Dry, why don't you go out in to the
waters where they are shooting at the Rescue personnel and help in the

From a copy of an e-mail that I received from a friend. I do believe that race is not a factor in the damage and devastation or the response. The response was poor management and the POOR suffered most because there is such a large poor population there.

Kind of an interesting commentary anyway. It brings out a lot of facts.

Til tomorrow.


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