Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Dick's colonoscopy went very well. They did find a couple of more pollups. Dr. Genji removed them and we will have the results in a few days. He did not think that they were malignant, however. Dick was tired but did not suffer much discomfort besides a little tummy ache which went away after a nice nap. Anyway, it is all over and we can put it out of our minds.

Aside from that, I made sure that all the vendors for Celtic Faire are on track and if they needed tables and/or chairs and did some sewing. So it was a quiet day. It remained cloudy all day but was rather warm and muggy.

I read that Wisconsin will be getting some of Katrina's refugees, at least for a while. The State Fair grounds and a few other sites are capable of housing lots of people and will do so. A long way from home for these poor people, but then most of them do not know if they have a home any more. I cannot even fathom such a thing.

Bret and his cousin, Britt, my sister Nora's daughter, are only 9 days apart in age. When Leif left the Navy and they were moving to Kansas City, Nora and Britt came to visit us in Santa Ana Heights while Leif was doing some interviewing or something like that for his new job. They had packed up their house and Nora had dropped Leif off at the airport and poor little Britt saw her Daddy leave and was confused by their empty house before they drove down to visit me and my family.

She and Bret were less than two years old. I will never forget the expression of total joy on that little girls face when we went to the airport to pick Leif up. She grabbed him around the neck and laughed and hugged and gave him Eskimo kisses. I often wonder what was going through her little mind. First her home is gone, then her Dad and then - miracle of miracles - Dad came back.

Some of these little people from the south will never have the joy of anything coming home. Fortunately, they are also risiliant, these little ones and with love and care and reassurance, they will be fine. Are we up to it? I hope so.



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