Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Another day closer to Celtic Faire and then the trip to D. C. I will be very happy when we are finally on the bus and I can relax for 6 whole days with NO phone calls or problems. Someone else will make all decisions and take us where we need to go. WOW. Such a deal.

Another day of uncertainty for the poor victims of Katrina. I pray each day that some of their problems be resolved. The government has stepped in with debit cards, a new concept, for clothing and necessities. This will at least get them out of rags and get the children outfitted for school. I heard some of the children being interviewed. They are brave little soldiers but are so lonely for their OWN homes and the friends and lives they are familiar with.

I heard a very disturbing interview with some people in one of the affected areas, not New Orleans. The victims had been put up in hotels in a larger town because their homes are destroyed. FEMA officials FINALLY arrived several days after they were first needed and made the REFUGEES living in the hotel leave so they could use the facilities. Talk about insensitive and defeatest. Let's throw a few more sheltered homeless people out into the street. What was that anyway? FEMA seems to be doing one insensitive thing after another stupid thing.

At least the American people themselves are jumping in to help in any way they can.

Enough of that for now.

Dick was fine today, though this afternoon he got very tired and slept for two hours. I know he needed it. After all, any time one is sedated, even mildly and "invaded" there is a shock to the system. He is really just fine.

I am doing a daily reading from a second book by John O'Donohue called Eternal Echoes. He is the author of Anam Cara which I have referred to quite often. I would like to share a quote that really impressed me for the end of my little entry today. I hope it impresses you as much as it did me. This is from the first chapter called Awakening in the World.

"Children come here without knowing where they are landing."

What a concept.



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