Thursday, June 09, 2005

We grocery shopped today and I did a bit of quilting.

It was hot again today. We did get about a minute and a half of rain this evening accompanied by enough thunder to terrify poor little Chelsea. It wasn't enough rain to really do much for the lawn or the flowers so I am glad that I watered everything this afternoon. My plants seem to be thriving despite the dry weather. I guess that I am watering just enough. Still waiting on those peony blossems to open.

On June 28 and 29, Dick and I are going on a mini trip to replace an overnight tour that Discovery had to cancel because there were not enough people interested. We decided to go to Baraboo and go to the International Crane Foundation. We always enjoy that. Dick found a new Irish shop in Baraboo also so we can check it out. I booked a whirlpool suite at the Best Western. I find that it does my hips and knees wonders to soak in a whirlpool and it is nice if I don't have to leave the room to do it. I can do myself some therapy before we go to sleep and maybe a bit in the morning before we leave. We are thinking of perhaps stopping in Prairie du Sac at the Wollersheim Winery too. That would make a nice low impact two day getaway.

We had choir tonight. Jim Wilsing is going to accompany us on the tin whistle along with Beth on the piano. The song is You Raise Me Up and is truly beautiful. We are singing it for the Graduates at the 8:00AM Mass. It will be a nice song for Celtic Faire too - a possibility.

Pray for rain. We need it. Especially the farmers.

Here is the first verse of a poem my brother Matt wrote called sleep. Something I think I am ready for right now.


sleep i seek your tender arms
your gentle hands and flowering dreams
and your painless misty hiways
sleep i seek you

(Matt never used capital letters and referred to himself by the small letter i.)
Til tomorrow.


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