Friday, April 08, 2005

What a icky turn of events. I was going to go down to the den and watch a DVD that Dick doesn't care for and do some cutting out of fabric to complete a quilt top. I went down and cannot even get the TV to turn on much less the DVD. Jim has a new control system and again, I cannot watch the big TV unless he is home. I hate all these remotes and systems. If I known how it works it is OK but I never find out how until I am ready to watch and noone is home to instruct me.

It was a beautiful day. The sun shone and it was warm. I took some pictures of a cardinal singing in the back yard perched in the big tree off the deck. Hope they turn out. I do have some really super nice pictures of trees against the sky in various seasons and this would be a nice addition.

I had lunch with the Bank Girls at the Dairy Queen in Plymouth today. Barb had pictures of her little grandaughter ANNA. Anna is one year old and had a really rough beginning. She was born with Down's Syndrom and a very weak heart but has weathered it all and is finally gaining weight and has a smile to light the world.

Tomorrow, I get to stay home all day and hope to just sew and write as I have cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen thouroughly. Maybe if it is nice, I can go out and just police the yard. We are supposed to have rain on Tuesday and sure could use it now.



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