Monday, April 04, 2005

It was a very lovely day again today, a bit cooler than yesterday, but enough to give us Wisconsinites hope of Spring.

We had another very lively discussion at Bible Study because of Paul's statement that women should keep silent in the churches. We ARE learning that things were different 2000 years ago. We are also finding that you have to read very carefully. Paul says those things and then finishes with "WHAT? Did the word of God originate with you, or are you the only ones it has reached?", Which seems to mean that he was trying to tell the people that women DO have opinions that have value and rights that need to be honored.

Tomorrow, we shop, vote, I will be cutting out fabric with a friend for a group quilt and I have to pick up Market Day.

Here is the third poem, I wrote for the Milwaukee Art Museum. It is based on a rather "modern" oil painting painted on plywood in 1924 by Arthur Dove called Sunrise.

Here is my poem called:


I walked out into a quiet early morning sunrise
to a strawberry ice cream horizon
blanketed by a layer
of warm blueberry syrup crusted over with a thin crunchy chocolate film
topped with lemon sherbet and another layer
of warm blueberry syrup crusted over with a thin crunchy chocolate film.
Concocted layer by layer until -
a scoop of blue raspberry ice cream oozes to the right
and a scoop of Neapolitan ice cream oozes to the left
covered with a final blanket
of warm blueberry syrup crusted over with a thin crunchy chocolate film.
Then God finished it all by scooping and smoothing
gobs of French vanilla ice cream over the entire exotic sunset
and providing a cocoa dusted whipped cream sun
to shine on all against an azure sky.

I read it slowly at Writer's Club and had everyone drooling. I really needs to be read aloud.



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