Friday, April 01, 2005

I did a bit of shopping today. I went to the Kohler Mall and hit Target and Elder Berman. It was NOT easy, but I did find a jacket and two tops in the nice new pinks and a green. I also went to Payless and picked up two pair of shoes for spring and summer.

We took Chelsea to the vet today. She is completely over her bladder infection and we had her heartworm test. Hopefully, this will be it for animals for a bit. Actually, Oscar needs his teeth cleaned but all shots and physicals are done for a whole year.

I received the nicest letter today from the Milwaukee Art Museum. I had sent three poems for a poetry contest. None of mine placed but they were very kind and invited me and all other contestants, I am sure, to the reading in June. I will share them with you one at a time. They were to be based on works of art housed at the museum. If you want to see the art, it can be found on the Museum site which is

The first if about "The Wood Gatherer" 1881 by Jules Bastien-Lepage. I also call the poem

The Wood Gatherer

Grandfather gathers the wood
His Granddaughter gathers flowers
His gruff and gentle care surround her
Her joy is his fountain of youth

His Granddaughter gathers flowers
Chattering, pattering. He points out a bunny
Her joy is his fountain of youth
In the moist misty shelter of the forest.

Chattering, pattering. He points out a bunny.
He is bent with the weight of the wood and his years
Her joy is his fountain of youth
She dances with the blooms clutched in her fingers

He is bent with the weight of the wood and his years.
His gruff and gentle care surrounds her
Together they wander through the glen
Grandfather gathers the wood.

Tomorrow, Dick and I are going to the Fireside to see West Side Story. I have never seen it on stage and am looking forward to it.

Have a good Saturday.


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