Thursday, March 31, 2005

We took both kitties to the Vet today for their annual checkups. They are both just fine. Roxie has maintained her rather overweight 9 lbs but Oscar has dropped from 15 to 13.5 lbs which is great. So we are going to just continue feeding as we are. Poor Oscar is going to have to go back to have his back teeth cleaned. He has a lot of tarter on them. Tomorrow, Chelsea goes in for her heartworm test. Then we will be done for a year (I hope) These animals have been mighty expensive lately.

I have some leftover sliced strawberries and blueberries. I found a recipe for "ice Cream". It is very simple and sounds very good. You just blend in a blender

10 oz of frozen strawberries
1/2 cup sugar
2/3 cup heavy cream

Blend the fruit until roughly chopped. Slowly pour in the heavy cream until totally blended. Can be served immediately or frozen for up to one week.

Have a nice Friday.


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