Friday, February 11, 2005

I spent this morning cooking for the Wild Game Dinner. The stew smells wonderful and we had some of the macaroni and cheese for supper. It is Lent, you know. Dick did have a hot dog with his dinner, but I just had the mac and cheese, peas and salad. I prepared a dessert for the weekend. Since Dick and I are dieting starting Monday, I decided that we would splurge with chocolate. I made a lava cake that has just enough for the three of us for three nights. Should work well.

It looks like I will be extremely "holy" again this weekend. I have to talk about Mike Shea and Sarnelli House at all three of the masses. I figure I will go to the 5PM tomorrow and the 8AM on Sunday, then just stay at Mom's until 10:30 and leave right after the talk. I should be able to get home, grab a snack and be on time for a concert at Emmanual Lutheran. Our choir is joining two others for a concert. We are singing On that Holy Mountain and Christ Has No Body Now But Yours on our own and several others with the combined choirs. Since Sheboygan Falls no longer has Choirs Aglow, this will be a treat.

Have a good weekend. I will tell you about the Wild Game Dinner tomorrow.

A friend sent me a list of quotations from children. Here is a special one for the weekend.

Dear God, I didn't think orange went with purple until I saw the
sunset you made on Tuesday night. That was really cool. Thomas



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