Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Had a nice Ash Wednesday service tonight. The choir sang and we sounded good, I believe. It is always such a pleasure.

Tomorrow the Sears people are coming again. The D & M people say there is nothing wrong with the installation. but there is still water left in the well after it is supposed to be drained. All I want is for the diswasher to WORK.

Dick gets his blood checked again tomorrow too. And we are shopping and I have choir in the evening, so again. A busy day. I hope to finish figuring the Federal taxes tomorrow too.

I fasted today. I forgot how difficult it is not to snack. I don't do a lot of snacking, but I do like to have a piece of fruit in mid morning. and maybe a cracker with a piece of cheese just before dinner. Probably a bad habit anyway.

Well, we are into Lent now and me and the boys will not be eating meat on Fridays until after Easter. They don't seem to dare much. This week we will be having Over the Rainbow Mac and Cheese and I will bring some to the wild game dinner so everybody can taste it. It will also be an extra main dish for the vegetarians. I am not going to give anything up. I am going to try to do nice things instead. I have two lists of 40 suggestions. Perhaps I can try them. One says to pray for ---- by name --- people that you don't like and that don't like you. Wow.

Happy Thursday.

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