Saturday, February 12, 2005

Another successful Deeley Annual Wild Game and Beer Tasting Festival.

For the second year in a row, Kurt Thuemmler was the triumphant winner of the beer tasting event. There were 24 beers this year and 17 participants. We were actually pulling for Kathy Deeley, who has been valiently trying to win for 28 years now and for Stenn Salvesen, who could have gotten us all to go to Texas next year if he had won.

Kurt and Jody have a lovely house and it works very well for such an occasion. I like it even more that they do not allow smoking in the house. If people do, I don't say anything but really do prefer not to have to breath it and smell of the smoke.

The food again was delicious and we had WAY to much. Jeff and Dolores and I agree that we should tell everybody to bring one half of what they think they should.

It was Nora and Leif's 39th wedding anniversary and it is TODAY. So Eileen brought a cake and I brought a bottle of champagne and we celebrated. They too are enjoying their retirement together. They took a tour to Italy and like us DO enjoy tours and the good treatment one gets on them.

Mother had a good time as always but looked exhausted when Nora and Leif took her home. She is such a trooper and I know this was an exceptionally long event for her.

Nephew John Michels was such fun to talk to. He is teaching in the Chicago area and would you believe he gives lectures that last over an hour with him just talking? He is a sweetheart. He likes soups and I told him I would send some of my recipes. He said he liked my stew.

Til tomorrow. I am very tired and plan on hitting the sheets soon. I had to slip away from the party for a bit to speak at Mass about Fr. Mike's Sarnelli House. It went well. I have to speak at both masses tomorrow and then we are singing at a Music Fest in the afternoon.



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