Friday, January 28, 2005

Bobbie and I worked at Rhine Plymouth Gun Club tonight. It was busy, so the guys make us stay til the end. If it is quiet, they always let us go home early. They are a bunch of sweethearts.

Dick and I went to see Meet the Fockers this afternoon. It really is a FUNNY movie, well acted, well crafted and FUNNY. Great cast too.

I found a pumpernickel bread for the bread machine that turned out good. I love black bread and this is really dark and tasty. Dick is trying low carb so I will be experimenting with different breads for me. I always end up freezing some because a loaf lasts too long and dries out otherwise. Anyway, it is really good.

Tomorrow we will be home all day. That will be a change. We are going to be bottling wine and mixing up a new batch.

A Minnesotan dies and is sent to hell. He was a horrible man
throughout life and the devil really wanted to punish him, so he
puts him to work breaking up rocks with a sledgehammer. To make it
worse he cranks up the temperature and the humidity.

After a couple of days the Devil checks in on his victim to see if he
is suffering adequately. The Devil is aghast as he looks at the
Minnesotan happily swinging his hammer and whistling a happy tune.

The Devil walks up to him and says, "I don't understand this. I've
turned the heat way up, it's humid, you're crushing rocks, why are
you so happy?"

The Minnesotan, smiling looks at the Devil replying, "This is great,
it reminds me of August in Minnesota. Hot, humid a good piece of
work to do - it reminds me of home. This is fantastic!"

The Devil, perplexed, walks away to ponder this. He decides to change
things up a bit -drops the temperature, sends down driving rain and
torrential wind. Soon, hell is a wet, muddy mess. The Minnesotan is
happily slogging through the mud pushing a wheelbarrow full of
crushed rocks.

Again, the Devil asks how he can be happy in such conditions.

The Minnesotan replies, "This is great. Just like April in Minnesota.
Reminds me of working out in the fields with spring plantin'!"

The Devil is now completely baffled. In desperation, he tries one
last ditch effort. He makes the temperature plummet. Hell is
blanketed in snow and ice. Confident that this will have to do it,
the Devil checks in on the Minnesotan. He is aghast as he sees the
Minnesotan dancing, singing, and twirling his sledgehammer as he
cavorts in glee.

"How can you be so happy. It's like you're celebrating. Don't you
know its 40 below zero!?" screams the Devil.

"Hell's frozen over!" replies the Minnesotan, "The Vikings won the

With Superbowl just around the corner, I thought this old 2001 e-mail might be fun.


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