Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I flat out forgot to post last night. It was a good day too.

Started out with bible study. There were five of us there. It probably will be a bit sparcely attended until after the new year - and then until spring. Many are very busy with Crhistmas and all and some of our members are snow birds and will be heading for Texas/Florida for a month or two or three. One of our regulars is experiencing medical problems. She is a wonder. She has diabetes, back and hip trouble and now is complaining of chest heaviness (congestive heart failure has been ruled out) and is going through a series of tests to see what can be done. We ended up with a very lively discussion on the roles of women in the church and throughout history. It was pointed out the science has been useful to women. I ancient times, woman was the "nest" - the man "planted the seed". Science showed the human race that it takes the sperm and the egg together to make the child. I pointed out that since boy babies are so prized in many societies, it must have been a real shock to the males to discover that it was their fault if only girls were produced as they provide the gene that determines sex.

Then I went right on to the Writers Club party. We went to Arabellas. It is a good restuarant. For those of who, who know Sheboygan but don't know where it is. It is located on south Eighth street on the roundabout where the Hardee's used to be. We had about 25 writers there, some even came from the Plymouth Club, which is a branch of our club. We ate, exchanged gifts and stories and I got home at about 3:00.

I then finished the little booklet that I am making for the family about Uncle George and his limericks. I will include a couple of his limericks for your enjoyment.

Today we shopped and I have been decorating. I am still waiting for Dick to finish putting the tree up so I can decorate it. Well, there are 10 days to go. I hope that I am not frantically throwing ornaments on the tree Christmas Eve. That would not be fun as the choir is singing then too. I am going to make Apple Cinnamon Liquor today so it can mature before Christmas. That should be fun to share with the GUY PIE.

Have a good day.


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