Saturday, December 18, 2004

Another Saturday with no reason to leave the house. Dick put the tree up on Thursday so I put the ornaments on today and the tree is beautiful. Now it is coasting all the way til Christmas.

Yesterday, I made the applie pie recipe that I heard about which mixes chilis in with the apples. It is really good. It is just basically any apple pie recipe with a 4 ounce can of Ortega chopped chilis mixed in with the sliced apples before you pour it in to the crust.

We had a few flurries today and Chelsea is trying to take advantage of the few flakes that are managing to stay on the ground by rolling around in the grass everytime she gets outside.

Have a nice day. Tomorrow the choir is going to sing at the Mall at 1:00. Perhaps you would like to come and hear us.



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