Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Today in history in 1948, President Harry Truman was re-elected over Thomas E. Dewey surprising all the experts in a narrow victory.

This is an exciting election year. The biggest turnout in history. They are saying as many as 125,000,000 people will vote this year. Dick and I went at about 10:00 thinking we would be between the work crowd and had to wait about 45 minutes in line. Jim went at 2:00 and sailed right through. Go figure.

There have been many incidents of problems - eg: votes recorded before the polls open, some fighting, some tampering with machines. - but over all things are going well. With that many votors and this much emotion involved there are going to be some incidents.

I did hear that there was a nice incident at Taylor Heights on South Business Drive in Sheboygan. A retailer called the radio station and said that there were about 40 people walking aroung with political signs both Bush and Kerry. There was no trouble. At first they were clustering by candidate but as time went on they started mingling and seemed to be just enjoying themselves and trying to get people interested in just going to the polls. How refreshing is that.

Tomorrow, Dick and Jim are going up to Oneida to gamble, so I will have the house all to myself for about 5 hours. That is really a treat for me. We are going to get Chinese, so I won't have to cook either. I think I will make a cheesecake so we can have it on Thursday. We have invited Mother over for a Venison Roast dinner and I want to have dessert.

I hope you all voted. It is our right and our chance to put in our two cents. If all of us vote we should get the right guy.



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