Saturday, November 06, 2004

It's bedtime. As the old expression goes, I ran out of day before I ran out of things to do. I worked on the quilting, sent out several letters, baked four pies for the turkey dinner and went to the 5:00 PM mass to sing in the choir.

Now I don't have to get up early tomorrow, as I will go get the dinners and take the pies at about 10:30AM. Then at 1:30 will leave with the other members of the choir for St. John the Evangelist Cathedral in Milwaukee for the Archdiocesan Choral Festival. I hope my voice holds out. We will be practicing for a couple of hours then have a break for supper, then practice some more, then do the performance. Bishop Sklba is the officiant. I always liked them.

I have not seen the cathedral since the remodel.

Cathedral - the word reminds me of a story that was told by a student who conducted a tour of Dublin that started at Trinity College and ended at Christ Church. Dublin has two cathedral clas churches, both are run by the Church of Ireland. Several years ago, the Roman Catholic church in Ireland asked for permission to build a cathedral in Dublin. Permission was denied. The Church in Rome said that there is already a Catholic Cathedral in Dublin.

They never said which one was considerd Catholic. But apparantly, have never admitted losing one (or maybe even both) of them.

Haven't heard from any of the away kids. Hope all is OK. I will call them on Monday if I don't hear tomorrow. I worry - a lot, but don't like to be a nag or pester people.

Have a nice Sunday.


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