Monday, August 16, 2004

Today is our Anniversary. Do you believe that Dick and I have been married for 18 years already. We both agree that it seems like yesterday. Isn't it nice that we both feel that way? We decided today that the relationship will probably last.

We had a nice intimate reception. Just our families had a dinner at Riverdale. Bret came from California so all of our children were there. It was the first time some of them had met. We have become a close family. I feel really blest.

I read a story about an African explorer who was moving his safari in great haste through the jungle. After three days the three Africans who were helping him carry his equipment sat down and refused to move. He tried to explain that he was under pressure to arrive at his destination by a certain date. They absolutely refused to move despite his pleas. He finally got one of them to tell him the reason. (This is a quote from Anam Cara by John O Donohue.) "We have moved too quickly to reach here; now we need to wait to give our spirits a chance to catch up with us."

Maybe we all need to do a bit more of that.


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